Missionary Disciple

Jesus continues to call missionary disciples to change the world through the power of the Spirit.

Each of us, by virtue of our baptism, has received this apostolic mission. In our families, among our friends and co-workers, and within our neighbourhoods, we are called by Jesus to be on mission, making disciples of Christ. This means we must grow step by step in our relationship with Him and His Church—learning to know Him, to love Him, and to be equipped so we can help and inspire others do the same

Being a missionary disciple goes beyond attending church or personal spiritual growth. It is about actively participating in God’s mission to reconcile the world to Himself by:

  1. Commit to Jesus – It begins with a personal commitment to follow Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Spend time in prayer, Scripture, and obeying the Holy Spirit.

  2. Proclaiming the Gospel – Sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with those who have never heard or do not yet believe.

  3. Be Discipled and Disciple Others – Walking alongside others in their journey of faith, teaching them to obey all that Christ has commanded.

  4. Living Missionally – Embodying the love and truth of Jesus in every aspect of life, whether in your workplace, neighbourhood, or family.

  5. Multiplying Communities – Establishing disciple-making groups (Centurions Cohorts or Lydians circles) in your local church that grow and reproduce to make visible the Kingdom of God.

How Can You Become a Missionary Disciple?

  • Pray: Join us in prayer for the nations, for workers to be sent, and for the Gospel to bear fruit around the world.

  • Join us: Become a NAMS associate and experience fellowship, spiritual growth, and the support you need to become a disciple-making disciple.

  • Serve Locally: Be a disciple-maker in your own church.

  • Obey: Being faithful to the Lord’s Final Command. Make disciples of Jesus who themselves learn to make disciples.

  • Give Financially: Support NAMS by giving toward our missionary work.

  • Be an Associate: Start a Centurion Cohort or a Lydian Circle in your local church.

  • First Promises: Make an annual renewal of the first promises.

Are you called to be a Missionary Companion?