Our Story so far
We are still walking the call of God.
The New Anglican Missionary Society (NAMS) was born in 1993, but its story began much earlier. Conceived in 1973, its founding vision came during an ordinary walk in Durham, England. Our founder, Jon Shuler, recalls, “While enjoying a Saturday break from my Ph.D. research, I seemed to ‘hear’ a voice impressing these words into my spirit: There needs to be an Anglican order of Church Planters.” For two decades, this vision remained unfulfilled. However, in 1993, Bishop Alden Hathaway of Pittsburgh challenged our founder and first Servant General to establish a missionary society to plant Great Commission churches in North America. This meeting led to the birth of NAMS.
From North America to the World (1993–1997)
Originally named the North American Missionary Society, NAMS began its work in the United States and Canada. The initial focus was on sharing the vision, training church planters, and offering guidance to dioceses for church planting. Relationships in England and an invitation from Archbishop George Carey to serve in the Diocese of Canterbury expanded NAMS’ reach. By 1996, the organisation had outgrown its North American identity, prompting a name change to the New Anglican Missionary Society to reflect its global call.
Growth and Challenges (1997–2009)
In 1997, Anglicanism in America faced significant theological turmoil, and NAMS became a critical partner in helping plant over 200 new Anglican congregations, many of which were reorganised churches. At the same time, NAMS expanded internationally under the patronage of Archbishop Moses Tay (Southeast Asia), strengthening its role as a missionary society serving the Anglican Church.
Despite divisions within Anglicanism, NAMS maintained its focus on bridging divides and serving wherever churches submitted to Christ and His Word.
Becoming an Order (2010–2023)
In 2010, NAMS embraced a new identity as a missionary order under a shared Rule of Life under the leadership of our Servant General, the Rev. Canon Dr. Jon C. Shuler. This commitment united its members as a “band of brothers and sisters on mission.” By restructuring its work into continental divisions and focusing on 15 global mega-regions, NAMS raised up church-planting leaders across cultures, nations and continents.
Throughout this period, NAMS remained faithful to its mission, supporting the Anglican family and the wider Church, as it sought to glorify God by planting churches, making disciples, and advancing the Gospel globally.
A New Chapter
On November 1, 2024, Bishop Josep Rosselló began his role as the new Servant General of NAMS. Elected by the Global Leadership Team, confirmed and appointed by the Global Board of Directors, and blessed by the Global Council of Bishop Guardians, Bishop Rosselló steps into this role with the unanimous support of NAMS Companions and Sisters worldwide.
Our founder, the Rev. Canon Dr. Jon C Shuler, continues serving our missionary order as the Servant General Emeritus.
Together, the NAMS Network looks forward to continuing its mission and call of disciple-making and planting faithful churches, serving dioceses and Christ in every nation where He opens the door.