The Christmas Message
Christ is born! Glorify Him!
With these joyous words, we celebrate the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, who entered the world to bring salvation, reconciliation, and hope to all people. On behalf of the New Anglican Missionary Society (NAMS), I extend heartfelt Christmas greetings to all our Companions, Sisters, Postulants, and everyone faithfully walking with us in the mission of making disciples and planting faithful churches for the glory of God.
The angelic proclamation to the shepherds in the fields of Bethlehem resounds afresh today: “Do not be afraid; I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people: today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:10-11). This momentous event changed the trajectory of human history. Jesus, the Light of the world, took on human flesh to redeem a broken world and usher in His Kingdom—a Kingdom we are called to proclaim and live out as His Church.
This Christmas, as we reflect on the mystery of the Incarnation, let us remember that the mission of Christ did not end in Bethlehem. His life, death, and resurrection compel us to carry the Good News to every corner of the earth. The Incarnation reminds us that God came near, not only to save us but also to send us. As Christ was sent by the Father, so He sends us to go and make disciples of all nations.
In this season of celebration, we are called to renew our commitment to the mission of the Gospel. The birth of Jesus is a call to action for His Church—to plant faithful churches where His name is not yet known, to disciple people into the fullness of life in Christ, and to live as His missionary disciples in a world increasingly in need of His peace, truth, and love.
The challenges of our time are real: secularisation, scepticism, and the erosion of eternal values. Yet, the power of Christ’s Incarnation assures us that God is with us, empowering us to overcome these challenges as we obediently follow Him. I especially encourage the young among us to embrace the call of Christ with boldness, trusting that His Spirit will guide and equip you for the task.
As we look back on the past year, we give thanks to God for His abundant grace in the milestones we have achieved together. From new church plants to growing number of disciples, we have seen His hand at work. Yet, the work is far from complete. As we approach 2025, may we redouble our efforts to fulfil our call and mission of planting 3,000 faithful churches by 2050.
Looking ahead to 2025, we join the global Anglican family in commemorating the 1700th anniversary of the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea. This pivotal moment in the Church’s history reminds us of the vital importance of sound doctrine and unity in advancing the Gospel. As we press forward, may this historic anniversary inspire us to remain steadfast in our calling to proclaim Christ, raise up disciples, and establish faithful churches that make His Kingdom visible in every nation.
This Christmas, let us be filled with the joy of the Gospel and the urgency of the mission Christ has entrusted to us. May we be found faithful in proclaiming, teaching, baptising, and sending, so that the Good News announced by the angels in Bethlehem will resound across the world.
With prayers for a blessed and fruitful New Year, I commend you to the wisdom, grace, and guidance of our Lord Jesus Christ. May His light shine brightly in our lives and through our labours as we glorify Him together.
Until Christ returns,
+Josep Rossello